Tuesday, December 23, 2008


lets not clean up after ourselves lets run in the rain lets climb a tree and jump into the sea lets run through the field barefoot lets play with no coat and forget our hat lets frolic in the waves and swim with the dolphins lets write words that have no meaning lets stare at the sun while we chew on our gum lets throw rocks in the pond and make friends with the frogs lets make a cake and eat it too lets make a song that cheers someone up lets bury our watches our phones and our money lets be animals ill be a wolf lets swim to the south pole and fish with the penguins lets make a big kite and fly to the space station lets jump real high so the sky is the floor and the stars are our friends lets make our picture and hang it to cover the hole in the world with brightness and beauty so that God looks down and smiles and comes over to have some tea and cake.

Let's live life to it's fullest, as if there's no tomorrow.


Brooke Fontoura said...

I adore this...

And the picture makes it all the more better.

(Yes. More better.)

Lauralei said...

Like I said, this makes me happy, and kind of makes my day warmer than it is outside. Btw, you're not following my blog. Not that you need to, you just said you were. And you're not.


Lauralei said...

I see you now.

Southern Blood said...

Wow man, this is rather incredible, if i don't say so myself. I'm actually extremely impressed. The lack of boundries and the freedom of each line to lead into whatever the heck you so desire. It's like a ramble that might actually be going somewhere, but maybe not, though either way it doesn;t realy matter. It's beautiful but not too delictae. And it paints a vivid picture, but not one that you can actually paint or draw. Captivating but not held captive... Hmm, i dig it bro.

Groovey, keep it up.

Peace and Blessings,
-William Robert Stoy, IV

Lauralei said...
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The Reluctant Dragon said...


Do you think that responsibilities aren't part of living life to the fullest? Personally, I think we are enriched by them. After all, fullest doesn't exclude the painful, the hard, etc.

Slingshot Smile said...

This is amazing.