Monday, December 1, 2008

Monday, monday!

So. Here we go again, another Christmas looming on the horizon and me wasting my time writing a stupid blog that no one will read, to put off doing my insurmountable pile of schoolwork....

Anyway, I've decided that I hate Thanksgiving break. Coming back to school hurts too much, especially since there's only a week left of regular classes. I had an Exam today, too. That sucked. I really don't care about what are 8 out of the 12 requirements for consent of a search according to criminal law. Geez.

I need to start sleeping. I'm starting to hallucinate. I just looked outside and saw a face in the bushes. Oh boy. I'm starting to forget stuff, too. Like what I was gonna write here, for example... Oh well. Goodbye.


Lauralei said...

Oooohhh, what kind of face was it?

TimmiT said...

A creepy elfin face that wanted to kill me. It was quite unnerving...

Lauralei said...

Unnerving indeed. You said you're going to be bored for the next few should write some more!