Friday, November 14, 2008


So, yeah... This is my first official blog-type thingy. So bear with my disjointed and most likely incoherent ramblings as I try to regurgitate my thoughts on paper. Uh, er, I mean the intraweb.

So, it's a rainy day today. I like rainy days. I think it might be the Irish in me, but I just love being outside when it's raining. Makes me feel invigorated, I s'pose. I just smile to myself when I hear anyone complaining about the rain. Well, i have to cut this short if I'm gonna make it to class... I'll probably write more later, we'll see... Bye.


We met one day, a trivial affair, which set my mind to thinking.

We spoke again, my soul laid bare, and started my heart a'drinking.

This girl I met, a bonnie lass, was fair in looks and grace.

This lass I know, made me an ass, my heart would trip then race.

We grew together, at least I thought, with love and with cheer.

As time went on, it seemed to me, that some things kenned toward queer.

She made me laugh, she made me cry, it seemed with her fickle whim.

Little did I know, that sparkle in her eye, was not for me but him...

So to be concise, she threw me out, like the trash I am. Who am I, to think this high?

To think I had a chance...

The End.

It wasn't meant to be,
it's a story done and finished.

An epic story of loves worn dream,
has faded and diminished.

A sweet story of happiness,
was but a bitter ending.

For I recal the chapter closing,
my heart dying and spending.

It got it's start quite typically,
a once upon a dream.

Page after page was scribed,
words compiled on ream after ream.

A simple tale of love,
fed by unbridled passion.

Had run its course long ago,
discarded when out of fashion.

The book is now forgotten,
shrouded all in frost.

An epic story of loves worn dream,
best forgotten and then lost.

Humans are pretty.

Lies spew forth like bile from a retching gut,
Which cannot contain their vile slut.

Dishonesty is the only policy that humans live by,
Stepping on necks of loved ones they lie.

Stabbing a heart is an everyday thing,
A marraige has become naught but a ring.

Empty promises are the ones we hold close,
They compile like a moutain morose.

Words are used like knives to disembowel,
And to bury the coffin and scoop dirt as a trowel.

Bitches like buckshot ripping off heads,
The starved ones underfoot grasping at threads.

"I would never do that" she says with a smile,
As she devours your heart bleeding all the while.

Bastard sons part witch part demon,
No thoughts of anything but sowing their semen.

"Of course I love you" He says with a grin,
Then rapes your life immune to his sin.

Ripping out arteries and rending burnt flesh,
Searing hot lies with actions we easily mesh.

With Lucifer's blessing we show people love,
He knowns what we plan on this earth above.

We cling to the hope that God will save us,
Our delusion complete and potently poisonous.